Digital Experiences

What we do

We offer a wide range of Digital Experience services, from creating responsive websites to developing customized applications.

Our experienced team of designers, UX/UI experts, and programmers work in collaboration with our clients to create customized solutions that enhance the user experience at every digital touchpoint along the customer journey.

Main stages used by the team in project creation



We understand your target audience, their needs and objectives, to create the best possible experience, resulting in a more relevant and useful final product.
Desk research
Gathering relevant information and data for the project, ensuring a solid foundation for the decisions made throughout the process.
User research
Understanding the needs and expectations of users to create more suitable and personalized solutions.
Creation of fictional profiles with the characteristics and behaviors of target users to guide UX development and decisions.
Analysis of the competition and other market references to identify best practices and opportunities for differentiation.



Solve UX problems with a multidisciplinary team that generates innovation and more comprehensive and effective solutions, resulting in better and more appealing final products.
We foster the creativity and innovation of the team to generate more original and effective solutions.
User journey
Mapping of the entire user interaction process with the product to identify friction points and opportunities for improvement.
Site map and information architecture
Organization of information and site navigation to facilitate user understanding and usability.



With an interactive prototype, we reduce the time and cost of development, allowing us to test and validate concepts quickly before building the final product.
User flow
We define the sequence of user interactions with the product to ensure a cohesive and efficient experience.
Simple and functional visual sketches of the product interfaces to quickly validate and iterate ideas.
Visual and realistic representation of the final product to validate the design and functionalities with the user.



Through testing, we evaluate the prototype to ensure that it meets user needs and expectations as well as business goals, reducing the risk of product failures.
Usability testing
We evaluate the product with real users to identify usability issues and improve the user experience.
Acceptance testing
We verify if the product meets the user's needs and expectations and business goals before launching it into the market.
Mapping of key actions
We identify the most important actions for the user in the product and optimize them to maximize efficiency and user satisfaction.
Test A/B
We compare two or more versions of the product to identify the most effective option and improve the product performance.



Decoder Space

A social platform created for our company that displays our colleagues' birthdays, meetings scheduled for the day, allows posting of photos, interacting with others, and much more.

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Button to get to the specific path.
Decoder Space

Microsoft MoOngy Partnership

This is a web platform designed for employees of the MoOngy group, which allows them to view their certificates, evaluations, exams, benefits, competencies and their respective levels.

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Button to get to the specific path.
Microsoft MoOngy Partnership

Discover what our clients have to say about digital experiences.

We are extremely satisfied with Decode's services. Communication was clear and efficient throughout the process, keeping us informed about each stage of the project.
João Pedro Aguiar, XBC
Working with the Decode team was an amazing experience. They understood our needs and created a customized solution that exceeded our expectations.
João Pedro Aguiar, Moongy

Together, we can create innovative solutions that enhance the user experience.